All are psychological behaviors explained below.
- Learned helplessness is a behavior given by the subject after the continue repetition that is beyond there control and the subject seems to be powerless. Ex escape from the running train or a cyclone.
- An optimistic attribution style is how the people explain themselves in an event that is either negative or positive. Such as wrong choices in life and can be pervasive.
- External locus of control is that success or failure results from the external factors like the luck, faith, and circumstances and bias. Ex a teacher who seems to be unfair to the student.
- Self-serving bias is a tendency of the pol to attribute the positive aspects to there own lives and the negative ones to others or external factors. Ex is of Self-esteem of a person.
The correlation between the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and standardized measures of intelligence tends to be between 7 to .8.
The Federalist Papers are a collection of 85 articles in support of the ratification of the Constitution of the United States.
The Federalist Papers were published from October 1787 to August 1788 in the New York newspapers The Independent Journal and The New York Packet. A collection of all articles entitled “Federalist” was published in 1788. They are considered not only the most valuable source of interpretation of the Constitution (in the collection the meaning of the provisions of the Constitution is explained by its authors), but also an outstanding philosophical and political work defending federalism as the best political system for a nation.
In the summer of 1787, the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia developed the text of the Constitution, after which its ratification was required by the state legislatures. The mood among the deputies of the latter was mixed. Opponents of the Constitution openly called for not accepting it. Then, in the fall of 1787, Alexander Hamilton published in the newspaper the first of the articles of the Federalist Papers. Later, with the participation of Madison and Jay, as many as 85 articles were published, although it was originally planned to write 25. The purpose of the articles was to convince the New York State community of the need to adopt the Constitution and thus create a single state from the confederation of independent colonies. The published articles had a wide public outcry, and as a result, on July 27, 1788, the New York Convention ratified the Constitution with an advantage of three votes.
*Tobacco Slavery*
What was the effect of the weakening tobacco market on slavery?
The tobacco business made bondage gainful and Virginia tobacco slave proprietors rich. It was exactly the accomplishment of this product that prompted the mass importation of stolen African work, and the tremendous abundance of old England and New England. Cigarettes, stogies, snuff, biting tobacco are simply identifications of bondage's progressing inheritance. You see it's dependable with us and it never leaves.
I haven't gotten any tobacco profits from MY family's Virginia tobacco bondage. Nope, not one dime...not even a fair say in Philip Morris' or its parent organization Altria'sannual report.
Since 1990 the tobacco business has "gave" an aggregate of $59,410,256 to lawmakers of which 74% or $44,218,744 has gone into the Republican coffers. Did the relatives of the previous tobacco slaves see one penny? Gracious, Hell no!
What was the effect of the weakening tobacco market on slavery?
I didn't state reparations, since that would imply that SOMEBODY was really SORRY for quite a long time of unpaid labor....but, this nation would preferably gas African Americans Nazi-style than pay one penny for the many years of property subjection. Nooo, ain't no one sad for JACK!
The picture of Obama with a cigarette notice back to our identity, and who brought us here, and for what reason. The tobacco is lubing a great deal of political palms in Washington, DC and it has advanced countries families like the Windsors of England and the Virginia representatives to the Constitutional Convention in 1787.
Tobacco has long roots in this country. Be that as it may, haha hehe, isn't that what Sambo does fo Massa. Simply smile and eat the watermelon. Hahaha, giggle.
In the Old Dominion Virginia in 1620 the principal Africans were sold to the English by the Dutch. Tobacco turned into the most beneficial agrarian item in the Virginia province; without which, the state would have fizzled. Indeed they paid each other in TOBACCO rather than cash in Colonial Virginia. Slaves were regularly purchased and sold for estate work from slave obstructs, before bars and at courthouses and stores in Spotsylvania and Stafford.
Slaves planted and collected the tobacco trim, fabricated the tobacco shipping barrels (hogshead), conveyed the tobacco harvest to the reviews distribution centers and stacked and emptied the boats planning for a sail to England. Slaves did ALL the work to advance that Virginia tobacco grower (George Washington, Thomas Jefferson et al) with no compensation and not even a "Thank You for influencing me rich" to card at Christmas.
Do you know any history of the tobacco business, the first thirteen provinces, and subjection? You can take a gander at the country's organizers like the Virginia tobacco slavers George Washington and Thomas Jefferson they resemble a tree while the subjugation is the root framework that bolsters the tree and maintains its life. Bondage was the sine qua non to America's flourishing.
As per the given statement why might someone believe that religion is necessary in order for people to be motivated to behave morally and challenges does such a view face:
Individuals value religion, and this inspires them to act decently because religion has helped and guided many people. The relationship between God and people that gives rise to a set of doctrines and customs: credo, cult, and code. The ultimate code of conduct, or how religion manifests itself, is via worship and service to God, and by extension, to all other people and all of creation.
The challenges does such a view face is although they cannot practice religion, even monkeys can have morality. And regardless of their religious or atheistic beliefs, some people can have no values at all.
To know more about religion