Dialogue and commercial relations between nations is a proven way to reduce human conflict.
We can see this example in Europe, which has gone through countless wars, including the two World Wars of the twentieth centurie, where over 100 million people, between soldiers and civilians died.
After the end of World War II, Europe formed the European Coal and Steel community, which would eventually evolve into the European Union in 1993.
The European Union is primarily an economic union that has linked the European economis together, not only preventing war, but also making war costlier in case it happened.
we can't see them because of the glare of the sun
<u>Price system in economics, is component of the economic system which uses the prices that are expressed in any form of the money for valuation and the distribution of the goods and the services and factors of the production.</u> All modern societies use the price systems to allocate the resources except for the possible remote and the primitive communities.
Price system can be either the fixed price system in which the prices are administered by the government organization, or it may be the free price system where the prices are determined by the supply and the demand uninhibited by the regulations.