Explanation:An A-B design is a single case or a single subject design that deals with the study and analysis of both applied Behavior and Behaviors which concerns Human and non Human subjects. This type of design does not involve repetition of treatments which means it is a one case scenario, A-B design is a two phase design made up of a baseline known as ("A" phase) without change and a ("B" phase) known as a treatment phase. If during the experiment their is a change,it means the it means the treatment has an effect.
The broker is doing two different jobs; so it is okay to have two different licenses.
In this case, since the broker is doing two different jobs then it is okay for him to have two different licenses. In a hypothetical case that the individual Broker was doing the same job role for two different companies then that would be considered a form of conflict of interest and may cause problems with both firms in the future. Since this is not the case, then he should not have any problem.
C. <u>Post purchase</u><u> </u><u>behavior</u>
Whenever a consumer buys a product, he/she undergoes various stages between the creation of need/want and the ultimate purchase decision.
5 stages have been stated under Consumer buying decision, namely,
- Need recognition : the foremost stage wherein a need or desire arises.
- Information search: Here, the consumer searches for information w.r.t how the need or want can be satisfied.
- Evaluation of alternatives: The stage wherein a consumer weighs pros and cons of all available alternatives which can satisfy the need.
- Purchase: The stage wherein a consumer finally purchases a product.
- Post purchase behavior : Here, the consumer evaluates his purchase and reviews his purchase decision.
In the given case, the customer already bought both the wines. Her opinion regarding superiority of quality and taste between the two, represents her post buying stage of purchase decision and her review of the viability of purchase decision.
A fixed asset register is a detailed list of all fixed assets which are owned by a business. Its main purpose is to enable an organization to accurately record and maintain both financial and non-financial information pertaining to each asset and to easily identify and verify an asset when required.