Are there multliple choice, if so what are the answers and I can help you out
Xray diffraction images produced by Franklin showed that DNA is a double helix.
The fatty acids stored in the adipose tissues.
The adipose tissues are connective tissues that consist fat cells known as the adipocytes.
They are found all around the body. Those that are found under the skin are subcutaneous fat, while those that are found in the abdominal cavity, around the internal organs are visceral fats.
The adipose tissues store energy in form of fat, and insulate the body.
Answer: D - People enjoyed more comfortable lifestyles and increased leisure time.
The mid 1800's was the beginning of the Industrial and agricultural revolution. The invention of seed drill by Jethro Full substituted the conventional seed planting technique. In this age, the industrial revolution, led to the growth of number of industries. This brought about both social and economic changes in the society. Thus thid resulted in people enjoying more comfortable lifestyles and increased leisure time.