Blood smears usually refers to the blood test that is being conducted in order to determine if there is any abnormality or irregularity in the blood cells. This test is conducted in the laboratories by using the slides.
After the test is done, these slides of blood smears are usually disposed of according to the instruction given by the teachers. It is because these slides have sharp edges and must be carefully handled. It can cause cut in the fingers and as these slides are comprised of infectious substances, it can affect other individuals, causing various types of diseases.
Thus, they must not be disposed of here and there, rather they should be disposed of according to the teacher's instruction.
The correct answer is C. dispose of according to the teacher's instructions.
Blood smears should be handled gently and carefully and every slide having a blood smear should be considered contagious because blood can contain pathogenic microbes therefore any accident or injury with these slides can lead to unwanted infection.
So when you are done looking at slides of blood smears you should dispose it of according to your teacher's instruction and you should not through it in normal dustbin bag because it can lead to injuries to people.
A separate red disposable bag comes for the disposal of glass material or infectious material so the teacher's instructions should be followed to dispose of slide having blood smear.
The oxygen molecules moves through the nostrils, pharynx, trachea, bronchus, smaller and smaller branches of the bronchial tree, and then into the alveolus.