Divided government.
A divided government is a kind of administration in presidential systems when the power of the executive branch and the legislative branch is divided into two parties. Moreover, in semi-presidential arrangements, when the executive branch itself is divided between two parties.
Under the division of powers model, the state is separated into various branches. Each department is independent having separate powers and divisions of responsibility so that the authorities of one branch should not in dispute with the powers correlated with the other department.
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Filter 1: Include U.S. and Canada
To see the data for users from the United States and Canada only "in a view" - this means at a time - this means that only one filter is needed for seeing the data for both countries. This therefore means that Filter 1: include U.S and Canada is the best filter that should be applied.
she dosen't act the way she dose as much
because she is always with peepol that she dose not want to act bad or good so she wants to be normal