liquidity. is a measure of how quickly things can be converted to something of value like cash. commodity money. based on some item of value.
Hope this helps! If so please mark brainliest and rate/heart to help my account if it did!!
File name and file extension
I an not sure what you want me to do so I am going to help you on both of these problems:
Question 2 answer: I think the answer is University/industry interaction
Question #3 answer: I think the answer for this is clearly written in the question (i think that the second answer choice is it)
I am not sure what this is but i am only in the 10th grade!!!! the only class that I took last year was Computer Fundumentals
Btw I am in K12 as well :)
So it is Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
Hope it helps
The window operating system is popularly known as a graphical user interface(GUI)
older operating systems were command line based but window uses a gui