Restrictive policy is a kind of policy calls for a firewall to contradict all traffic by default. The first rule denies all traffic on any service and using any port. To permit a specific type of traffic, a new rule must be placed ahead of the deny all rule. A firewall should enforce the overall policy recognized by the network administrator. Enforcement is controlled mainly over setting up packet filtering rules which is a rule base comprises a set of these rules.
- with(open("numbers.txt")) as file:
- data = file.readlines()
- runsum = 0
- largest = 0
- for x in data:
- if(int(x) > largest):
- largest = int(x)
- runsum += largest
- print(runsum)
The solution code is written in Python 3.
Firstly, open a filestream for numbers.txt (Line 1) and then use readlines method to get every row of data from the text files (Line 2).
Create a variable runsum to hold the running sum of number bigger than the maximum value read up to that iteration in a for loop (Line 3).
Use a for loop to traverse through the read data and then check if the current row of integer is bigger than the maximum value up to that point, set the current integer to largest variable and then add the largest to runsum (Line 6 - 9).
At last display the runsum to console terminal (Line 11).
The word you are looking for is "right"
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter String:");
String v = "aeiou";
String t = scan.nextLine();
t =t.toLowerCase();
String nt ="";
for(int i = 0; i < t.length(); i++){
char c = t.charAt(i);
if (v.indexOf(c) == -1){
nt += c;
Good Luck