How to know if the morning after pill worked?
"La casa de Marisa es grande.Tambien la casa de ella tiene un color muy fuerte.Marisa tiene mucho espacio en su casa. "
Mi casa es grande.Mi casa tiene una cosina y dos ba?os.Mi casa tiene mucho patio para atras.
La casa de Marisa se matiene muy fria pero mi casa tiene buena temperartura, ni muy caleinte ni muy frio.Mi casa es un poco mas peque?a que la de Marisa.Marisa no tinen patio para atras de su casa pero yo si tengo patio para atras de mi casa.Mi casa solo tiene un color por dentro pero la casa de Marisa tiene muchos colors en su casa.
If the instruction is to complete the proverb with the correct words, it would be in the following way;
<span>"Dos andares tiene el dinero, viene despacio y se va ligero."
This might mean that money comes and goes quickly </span>
1. Recibes, comes, das.
2. Toman, reciben, aprenden
3. Vamos, escribimos, escuchamos
4. Usa, abra, lee
This first sentence talks about you. So the you form is -es and -as. (You receive a biscuit for your birthday. You eat the biscuit with ice cream. You give thanks to your parents.)
The second talks about the students. So the form is they -an and -en. (The students take an exam, receive good grades because the students learn a lot.)
The third talks about us/we. In that form you would use -amos, -imos, and -emos. (We see the book, write about the book, and listen to the teacher/professor.)
The fourth question talks about you but in the informal tence. In that form you would use the same tense you use as he and she; -a and -e. (You use the computer, open the email, and read.)
Hope this helps!