Human rights violation or abuse means any harm committed by a State or a business enterprise, through acts or omissions in the context of business activities, against any person or group of persons, individually or collectively, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or substantial impairment of their human rights, including environmental rights, through acts or omissions in the context of business activities of a transnational character.
As we've lightly touched on already, entrepreneurial enterprises provide citizens with paying jobs in order to operate and grow. They also provide employees with the means to further grow one's own earning potential through training and on-the-job experience.
Answer: Not necessarily: The debt ratios are not directly comparable, since each company is in a different industry.
We cannot authoritatively state that even though Boeing has such a high debt rate, that it is a riskier company than either Microsoft or PG&E. This is due to the drawback in ratio analysis of bias if compared across different industries.
Ratio analysis best works when comparing companies in the same industry because their situations will be similar. Comparing across industries can be misleading because different industries operate in different ways. In the Airplane manufacturing business for instance, having a high amount of debt due to having the tangible assets to back it up might be a normal thing.
The debt ratios are therefore not directly comparable because each company is in a different industry.
You will say to the customer kindly I'm sorry for disappointing you I will do everything that is possible for service to be satisfy to you and tell me why do you say service isn't as good maybe I can make things better
Calculation for the operating cash flow based on this analysis
Particulars Amount
Sales amount 6,375,000
Less vaiable cost 2,355,000
Less Fixed cost 647,000
Less Depreciation 187,000
PBT 3,186,000
Tax 21% 669,060
PAT 2,516,940
Add: Depreciation 187,000
Operating cash flow $2,703,940
Therefore the operating cash flow based on this analysis will be $2,703,940