Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a large family of RNA molecules that convey genetic information from DNA to the ribosome, where they specify the amino acid sequence of the protein products of gene expression.
weed means which feed on plants and takes nutrients from them weed also stops the growth of plant
so we have to uproot weed
The scientist that discovered cells by observing cork with a homemade microscope would be Robert Hooke.
Viruses aren't made up of living cells, like plants and animals are, they either consist of DNA or RNA surrounded by coating of protein. Versus also like the properties of living things. They have no energy, they do not produce waste, and they do not respond to stimuli. they do not reproduce independently but must rely on invading living cells and feeding off a them.
Therefore, there are many reasons my viruses are considered non living but the biggest reason is because they cannot survive on their on and have to feed and get their nutrients off of living things
And bacteria is considered living because it can do all these things that viruses cannot do.