<h2>Lines of longitude meet at north and south pole.</h2>
The entire production evinces authenticity and a real respect for the subject matter.
The Tundra is a place that should stay undisturbed. If the tundras were destroyed animals, plants, and bugs would have no other place to go. Here is my reasoning right now cities are being built so animals are being pushed further away and they are inhabiting the land. If that land is destroyed a decrease in biodiversity, animals, plants, and bugs will occur.
Life goes on by oliver tree
The Great Barrier Reef is located off the northeastern coast of Australia. The barrier reef is the largest coral reef in the world and consequently is the largest living structure on the planet. Other types of reefs include fringing reefs and atolls.
Coral reefs are delicate ecosystems and are threatened by warming oceans brought on by present day global warming. Warming seas lead to coral bleaching; a phenomenon where corals release their symbiotic algae, turn white and die.