Rural life was much more lonely and often times involved close knitt communities of farmers while urban life was much more broad and offered a greater amount of jobs and people.
Oklahoma's economic history is divided into four periods. The first period covers the nineteenth century, encompassing settlement by American Indians of the Southeast followed by new arrangements facilitating private land ownership. The second extends from 1900 to the onset of the Great Depression in 1930. The third ends in 1973 with the first of the major oil shocks. The fourth comprises the energy boom and bust of the late twentieth century, along with contemporary conditions.
The century from 1800 to 1900 encompassed the time of Indian and white settlement. During the nineteenth century Oklahoma was characterized by very high ratios of land to labor and capital, by almost total dominance of primary (natural resource based) production, and by unique institutional and cultural features, of which the effects of some remain important in today's economy. The initial settlement by the Five Civilized Tribes in the 1820s, 1830s, and 1840s in what is now Oklahoma (at that time Indian Territory) did not reflect free-market labor migration in response to income differentials. Added to the coercion of removal was the fact that the Five Tribes had adopted the institution of slavery in their former southern setting. Slave-owning Indians brought with them an additional labor supply.
C. Israel captured Jerusalem, a holy city to both Jews and Muslims.
During the War, the Israeli managed to capture the West Bank which was controlled by Jordan at the time. This included Jerusalem, that is, East Jerusalem where the old city is which contains numerous holy buildings for both sides.
I wanted to become a soldier for a long time. I did well in high school and did R.O.T.C. as well. I talked to a recruiter and they guided me through the process of enlistment! Then, I got to attend Basic Combat Training (BCT) and learn the ins and outs of being a soldier. After Basic, I entered Advanced Individual Training (AIT), where I learned how to perform my job in the Army!! I felt so proud of what I was doing but mainly I did it so I could protect my country. I want my American brothers and sisters to stay safe and stay proud of our fight to protect them. That is why I do what I do. That is why I am an American soldier.