ok imma little scared, but my fav candy would have to be reeses peanut butter cups or hershey's with almonds.
It was not. Movies then talking movies were before television.
Building Blocks
When referring to the Publisher Application the navigation feature that allows you to do this is the Building Blocks feature. Like mentioned in the question this feature allows you to choose from and insert a predefined set of calendars for insertion into a publication as well as insert a variety of other page parts to better customize the feel of the publication.
This medium is called Animation. Animation is a medium where images are handled to appear as moving pictures. In traditional animation, images are drawn or painted by hand on transparent celluloid sheet, so as to be photographed and exhibited on film. Today most animations are made with computer-generated imagery (CGI).
C. sqrt(Math)
All but one of options A to E are is not a static method.
Only option C is a static method. The sqrt() is a static method of Math, that can always be used as Math.sqrt() is used;
The Math class defines all of its methods to be static. Invoking Math methods is done by using Math as a method rather than a variable of type Math; this means that sqrt(Math) doesn't rely on instance variables and don't need to be overridden, unlike others.
Lastly, sqrt(Math) is a static method because unlike other options, it is an utility method, and it is relevant to computations on primitive data types.
The purpose of the static method is in large part to offer a standard library of functions, and it doesn't need to be applied directly to an object.