if a person has a lifestyle where they eat mcdonalds everyday or they only eat fastfood they are more likely to get diabetes, heart disease, or cancer because fastfood like that isnt really food and i would tell you what its made out of to make more of a point but i'll spare you the gory details (*cough* tho i must say velveta has no dairy in it what so ever:) sorry)
The body shivers, shivering is something your body does in oder to keep warm. It is moving the muscles around, and trying to heat you up.
A female must ovulate before fertilization can begin and implantation happens once the zyfote is formed
I love pickles and growing up polish we'd pickle a lot of things. A pickle contains between 1-35 calories and minimal fat, but between one-third and one-half of your daily recommended intake of sodium. I'd say about 1-3 pickles would be fine.