There were actually four HUGE causes for WW1, treaties and alliances brought many countries into war, the imperialism of some countries scared other countries, and they were "defending" themselves, there was a lot of weapons stocking, and countries were creating gigantic armies, and that threatened other countries, and then we have plain old nationalism.
The England's colony in Barbados helped South Carolina to prosper by developing close economic ties with sugar plantations. The settlers emigrated from Barbados bringing their slave code with them that helped in boosting the plantation in South Carolina. The wealthy planters and their slaves coming from Barbados started to develop their commodity crops of sugar and cotton.
Alexander Hamilton was known to openly support Various forms of Federalist polciies, which are backed by bankers and wealthy businessmen.
At that time, the majority people in the north were influenced with anti-federalist ideology, so they would pretty much disagree with or even despise Hamilton's policies.