Los europeos llevaban a un enemigo oculto a los indios: nuevas enfermedades. Los pueblos nativos de América no tenían inmunidad contra las enfermedades que los exploradores y colonos europeos traían consigo. Enfermedades como la viruela, la influenza, el sarampión e incluso la varicela resultaron mortales para los indios americanos.
we need to preserve our traditional skill and technologies because it might help the future generations. We can preserve them by telling other family members or friends that seem interested.
1.Its good to keep doing something that's natural or special to you or your family.
2. Passing down the traditions and skill would help kids or family be more different then other people also.
C. Because they didn't have television they definitely didn't have dishwashers especially air conditioning<span />
the planets can be divided into two main groups: rocky planets, (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) which are also called terrestrial planets and have very rocky surfaces; and gas planets -also called gas giants- are, like the name says, made of different gases, and these are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune ...