All measures to raise money must come from the House of Representatives, according to Article I, Section 7, of the Constitution, however, changes may be proposed or approved by the Senate. General appropriation legislation typically starts in the House of Representatives as well.
Because they thought the new national government would be unduly powerful without a bill of rights, the Anti-Federalists opposed the adoption of the U.S. Constitution in 1787. This would have harmed individual liberty. The Constitution's founders, the Founding Fathers, aimed to create a system that did not give one individual undue power or influence. They discovered that this may not be the best system when living under the British king's control.
The Articles of Confederation only permitted state governments to charge taxes in order to prevent any appearance of "taxation without representation." The federal government had to ask the states for funding in order to cover its costs.
Complete question: The writers of the Constitution were concerned that a central government could use taxes to abuse the people. For that reason, they required all tax bills to start in the House of Representatives. Which of the following explains their reasoning for having tax bills start in the House of Representatives?
a. General appropriation legislation typically starts in the House of Representatives as well.
b. Article I assigns the responsibility for making laws to the Legislative Branch (Congress).
c. The Clause provides that a bill can become a law only if, after passage by both Houses of Congress, it is presented to the President.
d. None of these.
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