I will only help with the C section
1C : on
2C : at and until
3C : During
4C : Next or Behind ....
The best way to describe the sentence " In 1984, Byron Lichtenberg, who is a biomedical engineer became a member of a spacecraft crew." is complex. The correct answer is C, complex.
The Puritans and our Founding Fathers all knew that a government was necessary for survival. They both had a binding constitution ( the Mayflower Compact and the United States Constitution). Both groups believed they would be an example to the world of a great society and hoped to spread their ideals.
Revolutionary thinkers and Puritan founders had representation in common. Both groups wanted a say in their government and a right to live with their fundamental freedoms. The Revolutionaries left behind religion within the government. Puritans believed religious leaders should run government to maintain the groups morality. The Revolutionaries believed religion should be separate from government.
So unlimited a power can belong only to God matches with Some things are beyond the control of people and governments
I call not upon a few, but upon all. matches with All people need to do their part.
Show your faith by your works matches with Back your words with actions
Be too tough rather than not tough enough matches with better have too much force than too little
What we obtain too cheap, we esteem to lightly matches with What can be gotten easily is not always greatly appreciated
Let them call me rebel and welcome: I feel no concern from it. matches with One should proudly stand up for one's beliefs
it depends on if youre drving their vehicle. if so, then they have every right to stop you from driving. but if you have your own car, drive when you want. but i reccomend you listen to your parents, im pretty sure they arent trying to be mean. theyre just trying to keep you safe