The process of converting information, such as text, numbers, photos, or music, into digital data that can be manipulated by electronic devices is called Digitization
It is the process of converting “information in to a digital form”. Here the information are organized into bits. Mostly these data will be converted into the form of image. But these can be edited by converting once again into necessary format and even back to image too. There are specific tools which the user needs to install for editing the digital documents.
The reason why we need digitization is that
a) We want to convert hard copy into soft copy and store it in system.
b) We would like to edit the data in the hard copy and preserve as a fresh copy.
“The Quick Access Toolbar provides access to frequently used commands, and the option to customize the toolbar with the commands that you use most often. By default, the New, Open, Save, Quick Print, Run, Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, and Redo buttons appear on the Quick Access Toolbar” -Information Builders
You have to draw the extra lines out
Amtex Electronics promotes the process of memory retrieval and stimulate purchase.
Recall or retrieval of memory refers to information from the past, which has encoded and stored in the brain. It is known as remembering.
For example, the memory of your son drinking juice is an example of retrieval. Memory had been stored in long- term memory.
Many types of memory retrieval are recall and recognition. This information must be retrieved from memories.
ketchup because all of the others are objects with certain creative functions but ketchup is just K e t c h u p.