Aluminium - Open Pit (or Open Cut Mining)
Tin - Placer Mining
Copper - Underground Mining
Open Pit Mining: Another name for open pit mining is <em>open-cast</em> or <em>open cut </em>mining. In simple terms, this involves removing topsoil or earth in order to expose and access the minerals beneath them. This type of mining is usually applied when the mineral deposit is close to the earths surface.
A typical feature of open-pit mines is that they leave very wide open pits though the actions of excavators.
Besides Aluminium, other types of minerals which can be mined using this method are: Bitumen, Clay, Coquina etc
Placer Mining
Placer deposits (that is minerals that have been concentrated on a location by weathering are usually accessed by the use of water. This method is mostly connected with the retrieval of minerals within water bodies. Water is used to dig up, and collect heavy minerals from such deposits.
Underground Minning
The entrance into underground mines can be horizontal or vertical.
An underground mine is simply a mine that is beneath the surface of the earth.