I believe that since Germany had just lost World War 1 they had to pay off all their debts, leaving them in an economic depression. Therefore, when Hitler began to speak and present himself infront of people, they saw him as a strong power of hope. He was the only one who brought gave hope to turn their economy around in such a depressing time. As a result, most Germans just wanted their lives, jos, money, and family to turn back to normal. They we're blind-sighted by what Hitler actually meant he was doing. They supported the Nazi's because Hitler blamed the Jews for why their economy was at such a low point. Most Germans believed what Hitler said and wanted to get back at the Jews for what they alledegly did. Hitler made the Germans live in fear of "what the Jews were doing".
The United States would continue to remain neutral is the answer. The doctrine basically said European colonization of the Americas should stop, and America should stop taking sides in European wars. Both should be distinct, basically.
Answer:Political institutions works as structures of governments like executive departments. (for example: Supreme Court and FED; Federal Reserve Board) They can be housed in impressed buildings or not.
They are part of authority. Over time, people have become used to looking the them to solve problems.
C-Remove u.s laws that conflict with the Constitution