Water diffusion is called osmosis. Oxygen is a small molecule and it's nonpolar, so it easily passes through a cell membrane. Carbon dioxide, the byproduct of cell respiration, is small enough to readily diffuse out of a cell. Small uncharged lipid molecules can pass through the lipid innards of the membrane.
The answer is c i think or the 3 one,why wouldnt you give more food to a developing community
These bands represent different confirmation of DNA
pGLO DNA is a plasmid DNA that is used as a vector for genetic engineering. Plasmid DNA is found in supercoiled confirmation in vivo. The double helix forms extra twists to easily fit inside the cells. During isolation of plasmid from the cell, nicks can be introduced in the DNA due to harsh isolating methods or contamination by nuclease. As a result the supercoiled confirmation is changed into circular confirmation. It is bulkier than the supercoiled form and travels more slowly. When both DNA stands get cut at the same place, the DNA gets liner confirmation. In the end, supercoiled DNA runs the fastest on gel followed by linear DNA and then the circular DNA.
This is an example of a Secondary phase injury.
Hope this helped you! c:
Procedure Bigsub is
procedure A (Flag: Boolean ) is
v,w : Integer
procedure B is
u,y : Integer
end; -- of B
if flag
then B;
else C;
end; -- of A
procedureC is
u,w,y : Integer;
procedure D is
t,z : Integer
z = t*u + y-w;
end; -- of D
end; -- of C
t,u,v : Integer
end; <span>-- of BigSub</span>