Answer: Option C.
Tundra is a biome that has low Precipitation. Precipitation is a form of water that fall from the atmosphere to the Earth surface. Which could be inform of snow, sleet e.t.c.
Tundra is the coldest of all types of biomes. It has low temperature, little precipitation,low nutrients. It is located near the north Pole of the Earth. It is characterized by permafrost, permanent frozen layer on its surface.
Given that a blowfly starts its lifecycle only if there are appropriate conditions met, one of which is suitable temperature, the correct answers as to what can impact the timing of the blowfly lifecycle is the air temperature.
I don't see how humans will impact when this fly is going to be born, so A and C are incorrect. Leaves also doesn't really affect blowflies, which is why D is incorrect as well.
Thin Skin. The epidermis differs from that of thick skin in having thinner stratum spinosum, granulosum, and corneum, and lacks the stratum lucidum (Thin Skin 1). The dermis is not arranged in ridges, but does project into the epidermis as true papillae. However, no epidermal ridges are produced
Alternative ways of representing nucleic acid chains, in this case a single strand of DNA containing only three bases: cytosine (C), adenine (A), and guanine (G). ... This structural difference is critical to the different functions of the two types of nucleic acids.
Gases in Earth's Atmosphere. Nitrogen and Oxygen are by far the most common. Dry air is composed of about 78% Nitrogen (N2) and about 21% Oxygen (O2). Argon, Carbon Dioxide (CO2), and many other gases are also present in much lower amounts; each makes up less than 1% of the atmosphere's mixture of gases.
So therefore Oxygen is the gas that makes up the largest portion of the Earths Atmosphere.