b and c
marijuna is a typical type of drug which may cause similar effect to cicaine as wellas sometimes it may cause variable effects
Estimated birth weight might be between 7.5 to 8 lbs or around 3.4 to 4 kilograms
In fact mom should not smoke, has gained 10 lb during all pregnancy, good healthy food, no high blood pressure...... Everything went well.
when the temperature rise the content of the containers will heat even more causing the internal pressure to continue to rise.
Clinical psychologists
Clinical psychologists are those who have completed their doctoral degree in clinical psychology and are trained to assess the mental health of people suffering from mental disorders by the use of psychological evaluations, testing, and other forms of clinical interviews. They are also licensed to diagnose and also provide people with either individual-based or group-based therapy.
Poor mental health can lead to an increased risk of conditions. Some examples of symptoms for conditions include pain, fatigue, and mood disorders. These symptoms can become frequent.