The correct answer will be B, while people are naturally made, our habits are not considered natural.
1. c higher wages and shorter hours
2. a collective bargaining
3. d the social security act
Question in English:
What are the consequences of giving a bad argument?
English Answer:
Well, really bad things don't happen. The only thing I can think of is that you just lose, but again it depends on who you are and how you feel about it.
Responde en español:
Bueno, las cosas realmente malas no pasan. Lo único que se me ocurre es que simplemente pierdes, pero de nuevo depende de quién eres y cómo te sientes al respecto.
Extra en español:
Lo siento si mi español es malo, no lo he hecho en un tiempo, je. :)
Extra in english:
Sorry if my Spanish is bad, I haven't done it in a while, heh. :)
Can you take a clearer pic?