Answer: The structure and curvature of the Earth results in beams of sunlight glancing off the equator and reaching other areas of the Earth. This means that the areas at the equator receive more energy as the sun's rays hit them directly. :)
O founder's effect
A founder effect can be defined as the loss of genetic variation when a new population is established from a few individuals. This process is known to increase the frequency of particular gene variants (alleles) at different <em>loci</em> when they are selectively neutral (or nearly neutral), and thereby such genes are fixed by genetic drift (i.e., through the random sampling of founder individuals). Interestingly, it has been discovered that the majority of South American and Central American Indians are nearly exclusively in the O blood group, which has been further associated with random genetic drift and a founder effect.
sorry yan lang alam ko pa brainliest ANSWER
अज { masculine }
अज back translations:
अजा { noun feminine }
छाग { masculine }
एक दुधारू मादा चौपाया
एक शाकाहारी रोमंथक पशु जो दूध और मांस के लिए पाला जाता है
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