The Great Depression caused economic problems which helped Benito Mussolini take control of Italy and Adolf Hitler become the ruler of Germany. These totalitarian dictators promised that a political system could fix their nations’ economies and enable them to build great empires.
Both of these politicians and later dictators used the economic problems that both Italy and Germany had and used them to their advantage.
It is commonly noted that the Great Depression led to a rise in Fascism. Fascism was made popular by Mussolini in Italy, around 1922. and gained attention in Italy after 1929 because it was one of the only governments that survived the economic collapse.
The Great Depression was a contributing factor to dire economic conditions in Weimar Germany which led in part to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.
The answer is the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
Madison’s outlook on the intrinsic power potentials of the three branches of government is that no branch should be more controlling than the next. Madison supposed in balancing the division of powers between the three branches, where their powers were one and the same. Madison stated that a tough and powerful government is wanted, but an inadequate government is also significant where no branch is prevailing. Due to Madison and his thought of checks and balances within the three branches of government, our government is more equipped than it was before. His plan involved getting rid of circumstances where a majority is united by a common interest, where the human rights of the minority are timid.
The first prisoners were brought to Andersonville in late February 1864. During the next few months, approximately 400 more arrived each day. By the end of June, 26,000 men were penned in an area originally meant for only 10,000 prisoners. The largest number held at any one time was more than 33,000 in August 1864. The Confederate government could not provide adequate housing, food, clothing or medical care to their Federal captives because of deteriorating economic conditions in the South, a poor transportation system, and the desperate need of the Confederate army for food and supplies. hope this helps
accept Parliament's limits on their power.
This event occurred during the glorious revolution of England in 1688, Where King James Ii still held the position as a king.
Prior to the revolution, the word of the king was almost absolute. When the king want to create a certain law, there is almost nothing that the parliament can do to stop Him.
After King James Ii died (Mary's father) , the throne was Vacant. The parliament then offered that position to William from Netherland and Mary (to serve as the King and Queen). But in exchange of the offer, the parliament wanted William and Mary restrict their power and spread it to several parliaments as an effort to prevent the kingdom from becoming a tyranny.