Was a way of honoring and caring for the gods that have created them.
Daily offering ceremonies in temples were one of the most commonly practiced rituals in ancient Egypt. Offering food, clothing, carvings, weapons, tools and so forth These daily ritual were supervised by temple priests.
Answer: Religion focus in teaching certain ways of living that can potentially influence certain cultures and traditions of a community, or adapt to it.
- Leader of the rough riders
- Used the term "big break"
-Square deal
-Big stick diplomacy
While West and East Africa Kingdoms grew political power from the wealth provided by trade, the political relationships in Inland Africa grew out of kin-based networks where families would govern themselves.
The political structure in the Kingdoms of Inland Africa didn´t centralize the power under a single authority. Instead, every city-state had kin-based networks with a male chief who would mediate in social conflicts and represent his network in front of other groups.
Ghana used its large army for gaining the obedience of Ghana's neighbors