Answer: samba dance
It is said to have began in the 19th century form Brazil but now it is common in all parts of the world with various styles. It is most common in Rio de Janeiro buy can also be seen in Finland and Chicago. Samba dance captures one's interest through its rhythm. One needs to establish this rhythm through the sequence of three steps which are long quick, short quick and slow
Samba dance focus on the foot, a man does the forward basic whilst the woman takes on a backward basics.
After that each the two will reverse their direction , repeatedly going back and forth.
This demonstrates latent learning.
Latent learning is a type of learning which is not immediately obvious and which occurs without any type of reinforcement. So those rats who did not receive a reward learned what they needed to do even without the food reward, whereas the other rats might forget what they learned immediately.
Anxiety.... i feel the exact same way but i take Zoloft and it helps alot
The answer is "Antagonism".
Behaviors that put a person inconsistent with other individuals, for example, an overstated feeling of gaudiness with a corresponding desire of unique treatment, and in addition an unfeeling animosity toward others, incorporating both ignorance of others' needs and sentiments, and a preparation to utilize others in the administration of self-upgrade. Antagonism is one of the five broad personality trait domains characterized in Section III "Alternative DSM-5 Model for Personality Disorders."