Some of the greatest barriers to assimilation were prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping, and federal law itself. Many ethnic groups ran into prejudice in America. In the workplace, Jewish men and women ran into problems with others – even those who shared their religious beliefs but not their nationality.
Close up of les let's audience see tension in less Goodman face.
Tessie Hutchinson is stoned to death to appease forces desiring a sacrificial lamb offered in atonement for the sins of others, with no questions asked.
The random persecution is done according to the rules of the lottery. The rules have long been the ritual which seems logical to the villagers. However, there is no reason behind the annual persecution. People just blindly follow the tradition and the leader in the village, regardless of the fact whether that person should die or not. It is a collective murder. Society wrongfully designates scapegoats to bear the sins of the community.
His first statement in the poem does the contrasting, which says;
"Yesterday, I lay awake in the palm of the night".
In effect he was saying just as an innocent child goes to bed, so the victims were alive just the day before horrific event of September 11.
Further into the night the innocent child experiences a change, which was expressed with the words;
"A soft rain stole in, unhelped by any breeze". This saying indicates how the innocent people experienced a change that made them victims of a horrific event that claimed their lives.