to bring or restore to a state of peace or tranquillity; quiet; calm: to pacify an angry man. to appease: to pacify one's appetite.
i will would is a word that mean mad someting like that
You usually state the other sides argument, you then would state your argument and how it is the most logical solution
No, you will face criticism, judgement, and backlash.
For example, in Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Fredrick Nietzche, Zarathustra descends from the cave after ten years of isolation to give his newfound enlightenment to the people. He tells them that the Earth's meaning is the overman or Ubermensch (one willing to risk all to enhance humanity). The overman is free from all the prejudices and moralities of human society and creates his conditions and purpose. The people rejected him, laughed at him, and, overall, the message went over their heads. They wish to continue their life of mundane mediocrisy. He chooses not to persuade the crowd, but rather to speak to those interested in separating themselves from the herd.
As you can see, the people rejected a new idea. This is a universal concept dating to stories of prophets preaching their book to people.
The overman is one who can endure the backlash from society and persist in his truth.
Stay safe (:
we don't know
you don't give us the text