Mead would agree that<u> if you won $700 million of lottery your "self" might change</u>.
Mead is considered the father of pragmatism.
According to Christian Jesus is the solution to human problem. The acceptance of Jesus into peoples love they believe has power over all problem.
Faith is to believe, the work of salvation have to be believe by everyone who want to accept Jesus into his or her life without faith in the work that Jesus has done there will be no salvation experience.
Grace is what has been made available for every sinner who want to be saved. When a man have faith in the work of salvation, grace is made available.
Transformation is a function of the heart, and the mind is transformed by the word of God. Hence, when a man is subject to the hearing and doing of the word he becomes transformed and this also affect his environment.
In the Mayflower Compact, those who signed it, also agreed to the creation of a society that would preserve order and to help them reach their goals. They agreed to create several laws, offices and constitutions that would aid the common good. They also agreed that the laws they created would be supreme and agreed to abide by them.
President Ronald Reagan rejected the theory of Keynesian economics, this theory proposed by John Maynard Keynes, embodied in his work General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, published in 1936 in response to the Great Depression of 1929, the central principle of this school of thought is that state intervention can stabilize the economy, Keynesianism is one of the best-known economic theories, its main characteristic is that it supports interventionism as the best way out of a crisis and as a mechanism to stimulate demand and regulate the economy in times of depression.