To protect the computer network of a large organization, network engineers monitor network traffic. Malware detection method of data mining best being used to protect the network.
Data mining has excellent potential as a malware detection tool. It allows us to analyze vast sets of information and gives an opportunity to extract new data from it. It also provides the ability to identify both known and zero-day attacks.
The image in the photograph is representing A. Analog Data. Analog data is data that is represented in a physical way. Where digital data is a set of individual symbols, analog data is stored in physical media, whether that's the surface grooves on a vinyl record, the magnetic tape of a VCR cassette, or other non-digital media. Analog and digital signals are different types which are mainly used to carry the data from one apparatus to another. Analog signals are continuous wave signals that change with time period whereas digital is a discrete signal is a nature. Examples of analog technology: photocopiers. old land-line telephones. audio tapes. old televisions (intensity and color information per scan line). Analog and digital signals are the types of signals carrying information. The major difference between both signals is that the analog signals that have continuous electrical signals, while digital signals have non-continuous electrical signals.
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