Correctly position the platen of the printer to hold the paper in place.
Since the dot matrix printer is printing dark and clear on the left of the paper but very light on the right side of the paper, it is possible that the paper is not being held properly. So adjusting the platen will hold the paper properly and hence uniform prints on the paper.
Note: Dot matrix printers are printers that print closely related dots to form require texts (shapes) by striking some pins against an ink ribbon.
Some of the parts of these printers are; power supply, carriage assembly, Paper sensor, ribbon, platen and pins.
An LS button
It appears on the (structure line 3)on the structure line, place your cursor in the <u>whi</u><u>te</u> field to the right of the E button (Recall that the E button represent the entry test).
Three Primary Components of an Inbox:( 8 Components of an effective Email.).
1: From Label
2: Subject Line
3: Pre- Header
4: Content
5: Call to action
6: Images'
7: Social Media Buttons
8. Unsubscribe Option