The scientific method steps are
1. Observe
2. Question
3. Hypothesis
4. Production based on the hypothesis
5. Test
6. Use results to conclude if your hypo was right or not.
7. Make a new hypo
The method is a scientific way of finding the answer to your questions. Or in other words. Gathering knowledge that is based on characterized and developed scientific evidence.
they got black dot on their white wings.
And black pepper moths dont but they are natural selected from the white pepper moths.
Answer: A. Chemical signal
Chemical signal is the type of communication which coordinates actions between neighboring cells
This ability originated in single cells organisms and was essential for the evolution of multicellular organisms because after a cell receives a message, it is transferred across the plasma membrane and changes are brought about within the cell in response to this message.
Answer: b. Muscles
A metazoa is a division of animal kingdom that includes all animals expect protozoa and sponges. Metazoa division includes multicelluar animals, which exhibit highly differentiated cells. They have muscular and nerve system and well coordinated tissues and organs. Locomotion requires a coordination activity of muscular, skeletal and neural system. It is mainly achieved by contraction and relaxation of muscles that occurs due to specialized muscle proteins named as actin and myosin which receives signals from nerves.
Hence, locomotion in metazoa is due to contraction of muscles.