The Sahara is the world's largest desert; it extends across most of the northern part of Africa.
Research on gender differences would lead one to anticipate that Alex is "less" likely to detect faint odors and "less" likely to smile frequently than his sister Shayna.
Men and females enormously vary in their perceptual assessment of odors, with ladies outflanking men on numerous sorts of smell tests. Women’s unrivaled olfactory capacity is a fundamental characteristic that has been acquired and afterward kept up all through evolution, a thought communicated by Romanian dramatist Eugene Ionesco when he said "a nose that can see is worth two that sniff."
Biological approach attributes psychological disorders to organic, internal causes.
The abnormal growth in the growth pattern of the individual or the adverse condition internally or externally due to the environmental factors which can affect the growth pattern of a normal individual is called as physiological disorder.
The changes that the body undergo during physiological illness is apparent to others this is because it is caused due anxiety or other related problems. By focusing and by keenly observing the function and the behavior of the nervous system at the cellular and structural level is called as biological approach.
Magnetic poles that are alike repel each other.
<span>Parents should introduce their children to the benefits of helping their community by taking them to homeless shelters or literacy centers at a young age. By watching their parents interact with those less fortunate, children will be more likely to assist the needy once they are adults.</span>