La Casa de Contratación fue un organismo creado por la monarquía española en 1503, cuya principal finalidad fue la regulación del comercio y la navegación entre España y América; dotar a los pilotos de los instrumentos y formación adecuada y recoger de los mismos toda la información sobre las tierras que iban descubriendo, la que posteriormente se plasmó en cartas geográficas.
La organización científica de la Casa de Contratación, cuyas sedes fueron Sevilla y luego Cádiz, estuvo sustentada en las figuras del piloto mayor, el cosmógrafo y el catedrático de arte de navegación y cosmografía. El primero examinó y graduó a los pilotos, y de él dependía la calidad de los trabajos de la institución. El segundo de ellos, el cosmógrafo, tenía la función de realizar cartas náuticas e instrumentos de navegación; asimismo, formó parte de los tribunales examinadores de pilotos y estudió las relaciones que éstos traían de sus viajes, incorporando las novedades encontradas, si es que se consideraban fiables. El cargo de catedrático respondió a la necesidad de formar pilotos con un adecuado conocimiento de los nuevos métodos de navegación.
La producción cartográfica de la Casa de Contratación estuvo basada en la continua corrección del padrón oficial, modelo oficial del mapamundi que se actualizó constantemente de acuerdo a los nuevos descubrimientos geográficos. Ello la hacía una cartografía eminentemente empírica, para el uso casi exclusivo de navegantes y descubridores y de estricta confidencialidad. Por esta razón, aunque convirtió a la institución en el principal centro cartográfico de Europa, su labor no trascendió al resto de la sociedad.
Like a Food chain, so something eats something to grow
Attention problems
Alex had sleep problems in early childhood. A study showed that sleep problems could lead to <u>attention problems</u> that in some cases persisted into early adolescence.
Attention problems may cause the child to be negatively effected in his studies or any task that he is trying to perform. Children who suffer from attention problems often are left behind in the crowd which can cause other several cognitive problems for them.
The reason why Madison wanted to avoid war with Britain was that he felt the U.S. military was not as strong as the British.
The effect of the war on the people of New England was that they had to diversify their economy from sea trade.
The war was indeed a victory for the U.S. because they gained land from Spain and received British assurances to stay out of America's attempts to expand across the Great Lakes.
<h3>What happened in the War of 1812?</h3>
The British were taking Americans hostage to use in their navy and along with other reasons, both Britain and the U.S. were close to war.
President Madison did not think the Americans would win a superior British army at first however so he abstained from war and preferred economic sanctions.
These sanctions and the resulting war, meant that the New England Americans could not ship to England and France as well as they used to thanks also to British blockades.
They were therefore forced into finding other ways of making money. The Americans still won the war however because they inflicted heavy losses on the British and gained some land.
Find out more on the War of 1812 at
1.- Sales of used goods are not counted. It has sense because if they were counted we would have double the counting.
2.- Goods and services that are sold in the black market or illegal goods and services because they are extremely difficult to count.
3. Intermediate goods that are used to produce other final goods because the counting of intermediate goods counting will lead to double counting .