Esme is waiting until the last minute to pack for the family campout. She wasn't excited to ride for five hours in a car with si
x other people. She tried to get out of the trip by prolonging her packing. She even tried to create extra homework for herself so she'd have to stay home. Esme wanted any excuse to get out of the campout. What type of goal orientation does Esme display toward packing for the family campout? learning goal
work-avoidant goal
performance goal
education goals
Option B. The type of goal orientation that Esme displays toward packing for the family campout is a work-avoidance goal.
Esme is pursing a work-avoidance goal toward packing for the family campout as she is consistently avoiding to put any sort of effort to do well and actually pack. She is doing the minimum necessary as she knows she most likely won't be able to avoid going, but she is avoiding to make the actions required for her to be ready to go.