We can count the subdivisions out loud, or tap our hands to the beats. we could also sing the rhythms out loud while tapping our hand to the beat
Answer: This photograph is by Dorothea Lange. Answer will vary but may include the following: This photo of a migrant mother has become an icon of the Great Depression. The expression on the woman's face and her cowering children help communicate the mood of this time. It shows the pain felt by all members of the family, and the despair felt by parents for the miserable lives of themselves and their children.
1922 sao paulo modern art week festival ommitted ?
The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act was passed by Congress in 1990. It requires institutions that receive federal funding to inventory their collections, consult with federally recognized Native American tribes, and repatriate human remains or cultural items that meet certain criteria.
Hope this helps!