I need help with a physics question
Alcohol Damages the Developing Brain
Alcohol adversely affects a teenager's brain more than an adult brain because the adolescent brain is still developing. Alcohol can damage every brain, but for teenagers, the damage is more severe and can occur with smaller amounts of alcohol than with adults.
The second cell division in Meiosis is known as Meiosis II. Meiosis II is very similar to Mitosis.
The haploid products produced at the end of Meiosis II go on to differentiate in quite complex ways to produce the recognizable sexual gametes; the sperm and eggs. Basically a very useful process for reproduction.
In other organisms, the haploid products produced at the end of Meiosis II are packaged and then released as independent.
The answer is either agility or coordination I believe
The mastery hypothesis: the mere fact that they are exercising makes patients feel like they have achieved something, cheering them up much as learning a new hobby or achieving a certain goal might cheer them up.
That sounds like B to me.