Base on the scenario been described in the question, we use the following method to solve the question
d = 75 lbs/day 200 days per year
D= 15,000 lb/year H= $3/lb/year S= $16/order
He whew eh i’m like hehe good i’m how are you
<h2>Copyright Protection
- A copyright will protect the following categories of works:
literary works
- musical works, including any accompanying words
- dramatic works, including any accompanying music
- pantomimes and choreographic works
- pictorial, graphic and sculptural works
- motion pictures and other audiovisual works
- computer programs (sometimes the graphical user interface) and websites
Patents protect processes, methods and inventions that are "novel," "non-obvious" and "useful." If granted, a patent gives you a 20-year monopoly on selling, using, making or importing an invention into the United States.
(These are 2 characteristics of property rights)
c) classified balance sheet.
A classified balance sheet can be described as a balance sheet in which the information about assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity of a company is presented by aggregating or classifying it into subcategories of accounts.
The advantage of a classified balance sheet is that it easier to read and it makes it easier for readers to obtain required information than when the information is just presented in a large number of line items.
The classifications mostly used within a classified balance sheet include Intangible assets, fixed assets (or Property, Plant, and Equipment), current assets, current liabilities, long-term liabilities, and shareholders' equity.
In accounting, the addition of these classifications is required to match the accounting equation stated as follows:
Total assets = Total liabilities + Shareholders' Equity
Economics is the study of the activities that individuals and society undertake to satisfy their unlimited wants using scarce resources. Economics involves analysis of the production of goods and services, their distribution and consumption in a country. It involves the study of how individuals, firms, and the government allocates scarce resources to meet the need of society.
Economics is categorized in microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics concentrates on the key economic indicators such as demand, supply, and income and how they affect an individual, firm, or product. Macroeconomics studies the economic conditions in a country as a whole. It is concerned with issues such as inflation, Unemployment rate, and GDP