1982 the Internet protocol was introduced as the standard network protocol on the ARPANET.
1981 access to the ARPANET was expanded.
Answer: An attack where the attackers will interrupt a data transfer happening between parties and in which they will pretend to be the legitimate parties.
Explanation: For example think about two people writing letters to each other back and forth. However you, the attacker can intercept the letters and effectively change the message/contents of the letter going to the other person. This is probably not the best explanation, but simply put a man-in-the-middle attack is when an attacker interupts a transfer and pretends to be the legitimate source.
filler content
Isabel must use some sort of filler content while creating a wireframe that she is up with. For the banner, she can make use of the placeholder, and for the text, she can make use of the lorem ipsum. Also, if the wireframe is low fidelity then only she can use above. And if the wireframe is high fidelity then she should use the original banner and text.
Drop down list
You have not listed what the possible answers are, however a drop down list would be an option to accomplish this.