Step 1. Convert 3 1/3 to improper fraction.
- 3 * 3 + 1/3 ÷ 9
Step 2. Simplify 3 * 3 to 9
-9 + 1/3 ÷ 9
Step 3. Simplify 9 + 1 to 10
-10/3 ÷ 9
Step 4. Use this rule: a ÷ b/c = a * c/b
-10/3 * 1/9
Step 5. Use this rule: a/b * c/d = ac/bd
-10 * 1/3 * 9
Step 6. Simplify 10 * 1 to 10
-10/3 * 9
Step 7. Simplify 3 * 9 to 27
Basically, unit rates are special ratios with two different terms with two different units.
1. 3 inches of rain in 6 hours
Answer: 3 inches:6 hours
2. 70 miles in 2 hours
Answer: 70 miles:2 hours.
It's easy!
0 + (6/10) + (8/100) + (5/1000)
The first and third options are parallel.
Step-by-step explanation:
They both have a slope of 2.
Pls mark brainliest. Thanks!
x > 2
Step-by-step explanation:
-2x > -4 you get this by subtracting 8 from the left side and in turn subtracting 8 from the other side
x > 2 you get this by dividing -2 from both sides