I agree with this quote.
Explaination: Seeing the way things are made, or what they are made up of is amazing. Seeing which chemicals react to which and everything in between.
because they are more jolly and while the others work alone, they always work together.
This sentence is a complex sentence.
A complex sentence is a sentence that contains an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, but a dependent clause even though it has a subject and a verb cannot stand alone.
The sentence contain one independent clause and one dependent clause,
the independent clause is in bold below;
eight luxury residential towers that were designed by Steven Holl Architects are connected on the twelfth through eighteenth floors by enclosed glass and steel bridges.
it has a subject and a verb.
While the dependent clause is in bold below;
In Beijing, China,
it does not make any sense on it own.