Ganadería industrial:
1. Se suele hacer en espacios cerrados donde los animales viven en condiciones casi que de hacinamiento con el fin de hacer más eficiente el uso del recurso físico.
2. Los animales suelen ser alimentados con concentrados específicos que tienen el efecto de estimular el crecimiento muscular y de engorde tan rápido como sea posible.
3. La producción de carne o lácteos está orientada a la gran industria, y se lleva a cabo en grandes volúmenes.
Ganadería artesanal:
1. Los animales están en espacio abierto, tanto en pequeñas fincas (minifundios), como grandes pastos (latifundios de ganadería extensiva).
2. Los animales son alimentados de forma natural, principalmente de pasto.
3. La producción suele ser a menor escala, y en muchas ocasiones, con el fin de contribuir a la manutención del pequeño ganadero y su familia.
Following the excerpt from the citizens United case, I think corporations and organisations should be more restricted in their campaign donations.
At this moment, money plays a huge role in politics: companies use donations to help raise attention to problems the want to be taking care of, while at the same time avoiding others that could potentially be affect there own business.
This is a huge problem because there are many issues that politics should talk about, but they are not doing it because companies that pays money prefer that those subject are not talking about, like climate change and social injustice, for example.
Money in politics, especially when it comes for companies that have their own agenda, is dangerous because it put companies interested above public interest.
B. It opened trade routes to the Pacific.
In 1846 the Oregon Treaty was signed between the US and Britain to settle the boundary dispute. The British gained the land north of the 49th parallel, including the Vancouver Island and the United States received the territory south of the parallel.
So they could fund money to build buildings, get stuff for the army,etc.