restoring a healthy flow of energy along the meridians of the body
Acupuncture either increases or decreases the flow of qi along the meridians of the body. It does not directly address the relationships between body, spirit, and emotions, nor does it aim to release toxins or change an individual's perception of reality.
Dietary,health,stress level,blood pressure,smoking
Permanent damage
Optic nerve, optic tract, optic radiations
Hello :)
a nurse is preparing to suction secretions from the mouth of a patient who has dysphagia she should use for clearing oral secretions with the Yankaur Catheter, a tonsil-tip suction catheter.
With the invention of his namesake Yankauer suction catheter in 1907, otolaryngologist Sidney Yankauer transformed the field of medical suction. While employed at Mount Sinai Hospital's outpatient surgery unit, Dr. Yankauer, an unassuming ENT specialist, created a number of useful medical devices. The medical genius Dr. Yankauer is respected for his prolific writing career.
The Yankauer suction tip, one of the most widely used medical suction devices in the world, would turn out to be his most important invention.
To know more about catheter, click here,
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