Answer: The correct answer is : The result is $ 51.83, but because the question refers to the estimated cost, the answer is $ 56
1 gal _________ $ 3.65
14.2 gal _______ X
If a gallon of gas costs $ 3.65, how much will 14.2 gal cost?
X = $ 3.65 x 14.2 gal / 1 gal
X = $ 51.83, estimated value $ 56
The commercial revolution which was the predecessor for the industrial revolution (which is widely known), had a major impact on daily life in general, but especially trading. The commercial revolution involved the creation of established and stable trading routes all around the world which traded in various materials (spice, silk, metals, etc.) all of this drastically affected daily life as well.
Georgia was an ideal place for military training camps for a number of reason.
The chief reason was/is climate. Georgia has a mild climate, enabling training year round.
Georgia has also had strong politicians enabling base protection and financial investment.
Authoritarian parents
Authoritarian parents are not warm and nurturing to their children. They often see their children as their projects and they validate themselves through their children's achievements. They also have very high expectations for their children and not meeting them is a huge disappointment for them. Every mistake a child makes is punished and seen as a failure. Children have no options nor free choices, and have to obey and agree with their parents.
Children of authoritarian parents associate obedience and success with love. An authoritarian personality believes in absolute obedience and submission to someone else's authority which stems from a similar experience in their childhood.
Llama because of merchants and traders i think maybe horse