A newly hatched animal which has not developed all its body parts is a Nymph.
A nymph is the immature form of some invertebrates, particularly insects, which undergoes gradual metamorphosis before reaching its adult stage. A group of mammals that lay eggs and their young are hatchlings as well known as monotremes. Fish, amphibian, reptile, or bird are hatched in oviparous biology.
For use in (aerobic) respiration, polypeptides would first be hydrolysed to their amino acid monomers. These are each deaminated, i.e. have their amino groups removed, producing an organic acid, which can be fed into the Kreb's Cycle, and a waste product, ammonia (NH₃), which is moved to the liver and removed from the blood.
Answer:May you please translate that into english
Answer with Explanation:
Hydrogen peroxide is considered<em> "unstable,"</em> thus, storing it in the refrigerator provides two advantages:
1. It slows down thermal decomposition.
- The rate of decomposition slows down when the temperature is lowered. It increases when the temperature rises.
2. It prevents photolytic decomposition.
- Photolytic decomposition happens when hydrogen peroxide is exposed to sunlight or bright light. It therefore increases the rate of reaction. Therefore, hydrogen peroxide should be stored in a <em>cool and dark place</em>, such as the refrigerator.