jamaica is a caribbean island nation jaimaica is famous for being the cradle of reggae music, and its capital, kingston
This is called cluster sampling procedure.
In this type of procedure, a group of elements is considered instead of individual units. This proceddure is usually based on geography, and it's useful due to its efficiency regarding cost and time.
There are a few disadvantages, though: it might not be diverse enough to be significant, and it's possible that some elements of other groups (in this case, other districts) share some features.
Answer: (B) necessary capital.
This is because what consumers want is what consumers will inevitably buy, and when consumers buy products, it would give revenue to the producers of the goods.
Director Robert Mulligan decided to film To Kill A Mockingbird (1962) in black and white, though color technology was widely used at the time. The black and white film allows the audience to see those divisions more clearly and to experience them as the characters in the movie are experiencing them.